Surveying Your Customers for Reviews

Customer reviews are crucial in every business across various industries, even a website development company; but it can get challenging to motivate your customers to review your products or your business. Although you’ve provided them with several channels where they can easily leave their feedback, they are still not responding the way you want them to?

Luckily, there is another way to gather customer reviews without reaching out numerous times to the same customer. You can create a simple survey for them which contains a few questions and use their answers for reviews. We bring you a strategy on how to do it successfully.

1. Determine the questions.

Which questions would be interesting enough so your customers would be motivated to answer them? Of course, all of them should be open-end questions. However, be careful not to write too many questions or your customer will give up in the middle of the answering process. Keep the number of your questions between three and six.

Also, don’t forget to mention that each answer should have 2-3 sentences, so you could actually use it for a customer review. Questions can be general e.g. reasons for buying the product, benefits they would highlight and why would they recommend it to someone else. In fact, you can ask for any information you think your prospects would love to know.

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2. Determine the channel.

Which channel will you use to conduct this survey? Will you have your agents call each and every customer who recently purchased your products or will you send them an email? The fastest, easiest and most effective way would be to send them an email with questions and ask them for approval to share their answers.

Take a look at your customer database and determine which platform proved to be most useful for interactions with your customers. You can also create a document and share it on social media as an online survey. Moreover, you can write an article on how important customer feedback is to your and below and provide a link to a survey.

3. Set the guidelines.

Besides writing down the questions and determining which channel you’ll use to send your survey, you should consider a few other things. First, set the deadline for the answers. Let your customers know until when their answers should be sent. Making them think they can send it anytime will just make them forget about it. Deadlines create a sense of urgency. Also, let them know it would be great if they are willing to provide you with their photo and full name and surname, so you can add it to their review. Your customers should be aware of what the goal of this survey is, where their answers might be published and why they should participate in the survey.

4. Finding the right answers.

When you’ve gathered a certain amount of customer feedback, you should read each of them to find the ones which will be beneficial for your prospects. Some customers maybe only provided one useful answer, while others have answered all of them in the best way possible. However, you should read all of them.

When choosing the ones you will shape into customer reviews, make sure each of them provides something unique. Having reviews that highlight the exact same thing will not be as efficient as choosing one that talks about your great service, the other about the benefits of your product and so on. The reviews you choose have to bring that personal touch while making your business look great.

5. Promoting your customer reviews.

Wherever you choose to publish your customer reviews, it will do you no good if nobody is aware of them. You can promote it across different channels and use it for various marketing campaigns. When other customers notice you care about their feedback, they will feel motivated and start leaving reviews without you even asking them.

As the number of your reviews gets bigger and bigger, you will start building authenticity and credibility which leads to long-term business success. See the Hostinger review to understand the idea. You can use the answers from your customers for social media images, incorporate it in your newsletters or in your brochures. The important thing is that, once you’ve gathered them, you truly make the most of it.


As your business continues to grow, you should keep encouraging your customers to send you their reviews or publish them on their own. Your prospects will notice if all of your reviews are outdated which will make them suspicious.

It would be ideal if you could invite your customers to provide you with feedback after every purchase. The more reviews you get, the easier it will be to attract new customers. As you already know, the majority of these potential customers are searching for reviews about your products or your business, provide them with the proof of your quality.