Top 5 Strategic SEO Tips To Get More Traffic To Your Website

The shocking statistic is that more than half of all the small business globally do not have a website, and this is totally insane in the modern-day business world. Businesses that do not have a website are definitely missing out on thousands of potential customers with more than 3.5 billion searches being conducted on Google every day. There is a high chance that there is someone out there searching for your products or the services offered by your business.

Truth be told, traffic is the lifeblood of a business. Everything starts with traffic. Although many will say that conversions matter, if you cannot figure out how to get the millions of eyeballs onto your page, then there will be no point of worrying about conversions. Getting more traffic to your website should be your main concern if you are looking to make numerous sales. And when it comes to traffic, you want qualified traffic otherwise you will end up not making any sales.

The easiest way to get more traffic to your business website is through Search Engine Optimization, which is essentially the process of altering the visibility of a webpage or website in the search engine’s organic search results. While this strategy could work wonders for your website, it is important to note that it is not a magic bullet that will work overnight. It could take months or years to give you the desired results. Since SEO is a vast topic, we will look at the strategic SEO tips that will help get more traffic to your website.

  1. Place Keywords In Their Right Places

When it comes to optimizing your website for more traffic, nothing works better than ensuring that keywords are included in their right places. With the correct placement of keywords, you will easily rank higher for searches relating to those keywords, and this will translate into more traffic to your website. This way, you will drive up the SEO value of your posts without having to pay money or go the black hat way. So, where should you include your keywords?

Title of the Post: Title tags are arguably the most crucial places to place your keywords, and this is what they should look like: <title>Primary phrase.</title>

Meta tags: Meta tags, as well as Meta descriptions, usually provide a small descriptive text that is below the title tag on the results page of a search engine. Similar to title tags, Meta tags should be brief and informative.

Header Tags: These tags are next in hierarchy of importance to a search engine. These tags usually indicate the sections of your blog posts and tell the search engine the essential sections of your page.

  1. Post Informative Content On Your Website Regularly

They say content is king and it is a strategic SEO tip that could help drive more traffic to your site. Content is what the search engine crawlers look at and index so that your website shows up on search engine result pages. Without high-quality, informative content, there will be nothing the crawlers will index or rank. This is one of the reasons why flash websites aren’t SEO friendly because the text is encoded in a manner that is unreadable for the web crawlers. A business attorney or personal injury lawyer would put legal guides on their website to attract traffic. Content that can be used as a resource will continually have visitors if the content is updated and stays useful. 

By posting informative content on a regular basis, you are essentially giving your internet searchers and the search engines a reason to visit and rank your website respectively. You need to focus on providing optimized content on a regular basis, at least one post every week. This way, you will experience a tremendous increase in the number of visits coming to your website.

  1. Have Relevant and Valuable Incoming Links

Theoretically, the more high-quality websites that link back to your blog or website, the more valuable a search engine will perceive your business to be, and consequently, you will enjoy higher rankings on search engine results. However, it is essential to understand that not every aspect of back-linking is considered good practice and links are not created equal. A search engine like Google will give more leverage to any links coming from websites that are credible, popular as well as those relevant to your website niche. This is a crucial aspect to bear in mind when you think about guest posting on other blogs with the hope of boosting your site’s ranking.

When looking for blogs or sites to place your guest posts, look for a site that looks high-quality and with active engagement rather than one filled with advertising and spam. Besides guest posting, you could also encourage internet searchers to link to your site by including shareable buttons in the content you post and linking to bloggers in your niche and informing them about it: they will often return the favor in future.

  1. Get More Social

These days, driving more traffic to a website is all about building a community of people with whom you share common interests. In this case, social networking platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook could be powerful traffic generation tools. But that is not where it ends. Besides posting your own content, it is essential to realize the value social media shares of the content you post could have before the eyes of search engines.

Social media has been linked to how valuable, and relevant your content is viewed and hence an excellent strategic SEO technique to leverage. Be sure to encourage sharing by having sharing buttons at the end of each post.

  1. Advertise for Better Exposure and More Traffic

When handled strategically, advertising could be an excellent way to promote your content and all the services or products your business specializes in. Often, pay-per-click advertising is the best advertising tool because you can easily control your advertising budget and have all the tools you require to test and keep track of your advertising efforts.

For the best results, you will need to create a robust SEO strategy. Lay out your plan and goals and then go ahead to take the required action. Leveraging these five strategic SEO tips will drive more traffic to your website.