4 Ways That Technology Can Boost your Career
May 5, 2020

If you are far from happy with your current employment and would like to explore the possibilities of a career move, there are many online digital platforms that can help you in your search. The job market is highly competitive and more and more potential employees are graduating and looking for suitable positions, and with that in mind, here are a few ways that digital platforms can help you to source that dream job.
- Social Media Groups – There are literally tens of thousands of Facebook private and public groups and if you source a few that are related to your chosen industry, you have established a connection with potential employers. You could, for example, post your resume, along with details of a position that you are seeking, which could pay dividends, and when employers post job offers, you will be notified if you have joined the group. You can tell all your social media friends of your intention to make a career change and this might yield results, as they enquire with their friends, and so on, plus you can actually make new connections via social media, which leads to face to face meetings and friendship.
- Industry-Specific Recruitment Agencies – If you are in the construction or engineering sectors, team up with JV Recruitment Agency who are a leading Australian company that has connections with the best employers. Whatever sector you are in, there will be recruitment agencies and always choose an agency that is established, as this guarantees you will have access to the top jobs. The agency also covers the manufacturing industry, as well as business solutions. The services of a recruitment agency are free to the job hunter, as the employer pays the agency a small remuneration, so you’ve nothing to lose by registering and everything to gain. Such an agency can easily be found with a Google search and registration is free and very quick and from then on, you will be notified whenever suitable positions emerge.
- Professional Courses and Qualifications – If, for example, you are a program developer, then you should invest in further study and qualifications, as this will enable you to enter into a new level of positions, and the closer you are to the cutting edge, the better. Technology empowers you with distance learning – you could get your MBA online, while also working full time – and by aspiring to become more proficient, you are demonstrating a desire to learn, which is a valued trait for any potential employer.
- Creating Online Resumes & Presentations – This is a critical area for every employee and if you use cutting-edge software, you can create stunning presentations that will show how focused and committed you are. If you communicate your ideas in a clear manner, making best use of technology, this will set you apart from the average employee.
Making the best use of technology and digital platforms can assist your career in many ways, and if you are looking for a change of employer, register with a suitable recruitment agency and you will be notified every time a new position is posted.