Cleaning Tips In Readiness For Fall

While many of us are still hanging on to the last traces of summer, we can’t escape the fact that fall is right around the corner, and whether you love or hate this time of year, it’s a great time for cleaning and getting your home ready for guests over the upcoming festive season. 

Try out these tips now, or save them until the leaves begin to turn:

Fall cleaning tips for the kitchen

  • Sort out and clean the pantry

A pantry inventory can be helpful when you do this, as can a grocery list so that you can restock on essentials. Be sure to toss out anything past its expiry date, rearrange as necessary and clean the shelves. 

  • Clean the oven

There are lots of online cleaning tips for ovens that don’t have a self-cleaning feature, or you can ask a cleaning service to come in and get it ready for all that festive baking you plan to do!

  • Clean the cupboards

Giving your kitchen cupboards a thorough clean inside and outside is always very satisfying, and you can also take this opportunity to rearrange them if needed. 

  • Deep clean the fridge and freezer

Get rid of all expired food, take everything out (you can stick it in a cooler for a few minutes while you work), and clean every compartment and shelf. 

Fall cleaning tips for your windows

  • Wash them inside and out

Before fall hits and the weather changes, take this opportunity to give your windows a good clean on the outside, then move inside and tackle them from there. 

  • Wash curtains and drapes

Wash what window hangings you can in the machine, or simply shake them off outside to get rid of any dust. 

  • Wipe blinds

Use a dusting glove (or sock) to wipe down all of the slats on your window blinds. 

Fall cleaning tips for the bedrooms

  • Get winter clothes out of closets

This is the perfect time for sorting through your closets, reorganizing them, and swapping your summer clothes for warmer ones. 

  • Prepare guest rooms

Whether planned or unexpected, it’s always a good idea to get any rooms that are suitable for guests that may visit, ready and freshened up. 

  • Clean bedding and get comforters out

Now is a great time for swapping from the cooler, cotton sheets of summer, to warmer linens and comforters, and making sure that everything is clean before being stored away, or used. 

General fall cleaning tips

  • Clean up light fixtures

Dust or wipe down light fixtures that have doubtless gathered grime over the summer months. 

  • Vacuum furniture

Dust and polish wooden furniture, while vacuuming that which is upholstered.

  • Clean carpets

With a good vacuum cleaner, cleaning your carpets is made a lot easier, but you may find you need to hire a cleaning service to get them spotless before fall sets in. 

  • Dust everywhere

Try to get every corner of your home dust-free, remembering to work from the top of a room to the bottom, for the best and quickest results. 

  • Check your heating systems

If there are any issues with your heating systems, it’s best to get these fixed before the colder weather sets in, so test them out and if necessary, call a specialist out to service or repair them. 

Follow the steps above to get your home ready for all the festivities, good cheer, and cozy nights in by the fire that fall typically brings. If your home has gotten really grubby over the summer, it would be best to hire a cleaning service and have them give the place a deep clean, from top to bottom.